AGM – May 16th 2002


Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists

Annual General Meeting

Thursday, May 16, 2002

Union Hall

7:00 p.m.

About thirty members were in attendance

Board members in attendance: Sandy Atack (chair), Cliff Bennett, Jim Bendell, Yvonne Bendell, Sarah

Coulber, Su san Fisher, Margaret Lalonde, Eileen Hennemann, Karen Richter

1. Welcome by President –Sandy Atack welcomed all to the Union Hall expressing admiration for

the rustic and cozy setting. She highlighted activities of the past year (available under #6

Programme report). On the environmental level, Sandy mentioned the MFVN involvement with

the Mississippi Mills Steering Committee for the Community Official Plan, with the community

forests of Lanark, and with Friends of the Eastern Ontario Trails (re: TransCanada Trail). She

expressed thanks to Mike and Jean McPherson for maintaining the tower at the lagoon and for the

management of the Keddy book sales.

2. Approval of agenda – Moved by David Atack, seconded by Janet Fytche that the agenda be

approved. All in favour. Carried.

3. Approval of minutes of the annual general meeting of May 17, 2001 – Moved by Cliff Bennett,

seconded by Yvonne Bendell that the minutes be approved. All in favour. Carried.

4. Treasurer’s report – Acting Treasurer Cliff Bennett presented the annual financial report, details

which were published in the last newsletter. The financial records have been perused by Michael

Doyle. Moved by Cliff Bennett, and seconded by Sarah Coulber that the treasurer’s report be

approved. All in favour. Carried.

5. Membership – Eileen Hennemann reported our current status at 121 memberships with 82 paid.

Moved by Eileen Hennemann, seconded by Cliff Bennett that the Membership report be approved.

All in favour. Carried.

6. Programme – Sarah Coulber reported on this year’s events and outings:

September : Christie Spence of the Canadian Nature Federation “National Parks”

Nature Walk at Gerry Lee’s with Gerry Lee and Rob Lee, Canoe Trip to Dalhousie Lake area

October : Laurie Whyte “Bears”

November : “A Photgraphic Journey” with Jim Robertson

December : Old Fashioned Christmas Party, Christmas Bird Count

January : Joost Harwig “Burnt Lands Alvar”

February : Bruce Di Labio “Owls”, Winter fun at the Hollbach’s

March : Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Perennials that Attract Birds” with Ed Lawrence

April : A panel of people gave an update to the EOMF’s Forest Certification

Project,Cliff Bennett led a Square Bash for the Breeding Bird Atlas Project

May : Spring Nature Walk at Martha Webber’s, AGM

June : Tour of our Community Forests, Streamside Study with Mike Yee in conjunction with Arts

Fusion, Shaun Thompson of the MNR leading a walk on the Burnt Lands Alvar

Moved by Sarah Coulber, seconded by Eileen Hennemann that the Programme report be approved.

All in favour. Carried.

7. FON – This report was given by Al Seaman in the absence of Marie Seaman. FON is an umbrella

organization with valuable work on behalf of nature issues. MVFN receives a lot of resource

material.. Two regional meetings were held one in Perth, and the other in VanKleek Hill. Priority

items for FON are urban sprawl and promoting the species at risk legislation. Members of MVFN

are invited to attend the FON Annual General Meeting at Port Rowan, Ontario, May 31 – June 2,

2002. Moved by Al Seaman, seconded by Cliff Bennett that the FON report be approved. All in

favour. Carried. Cliff Bennett will attend this year’s FON Conference and AGM as the MVFN


8. Newsletter – Eileen Hennemann reported that the newsletter has just been distributed with the next

issue to be released in August. Please check out the MVFN website at for ongoing

information, a members’ message board, and weekly trivia question. MVFN appreciates the hard

work of Christine Birkett as webmaster. Moved by Eileen Hennemann, seconded by Margaret

Lalonde that the Newsletter report be approved. All in favour. Carried. One hundred and sixty

copies of the newsletter are printed and distributed as well to schools, other naturalist groups, and


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