Our Club

MVFN is an active field naturalist club founded in 1988 to increase public interest, knowledge, understanding, appreciation, and respect for the natural world.

We are a registered charitable organization (and member of the Ontario Nature Network) committed to increasing the knowledge and awareness of local species and their habitat, and of the importance of conservation.

Viewing group at government dock, Presqu’ile. Photo Howard Robinson

We offer many activities, from monthly natural history talks, nature walks, field trips, canoe/kayak outings, citizen science and opportunities to explore many fascinating aspects of our natural world. Donations to MVFN and volunteer work coordinated by the organization, help to support a strong voice for the natural world in our region.

The Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists club is run entirely by volunteers, from the Board of Directors, to leaders of outings, refreshment and audiovisual duty at nature talks/presentations, vital communication on activities and projects, and labour for habitat and trail creation projects.


The work of managing the club and its activities is done by our various committees:


Annual General Meeting






  • Annual Report.  An AGM was not held in 2020 due to the COVID restrictions prohibiting gatherings.


2024 Board of Directors

President: Val Wilkinson  president@mvfn.ca
First Vice-President: Paul Frigon  firstvicepresident@mvfn.ca
Second Vice-President: Vacant
Past President: Brenda Boyd pastpresident@mvfn.ca
Treasurer: Vacant  treasurer@mvfn.ca
Chair of Nature Talks: Brian Gillespie naturetalks@mvfn.ca
Chair of Finance: John Blais finance@mvfn.ca
Chair of Publicity: Louise Beckinsale publicity@mvfn.ca
Chair of Environmental Education: Bob Smith  environmentaleducation@mvfn.ca
Chair of Conservation and Habitat: Paul Frigon conservation@mvfn.ca
Chair of Membership: Sylvia Miller  membership@mvfn.ca
Director at Large: Cliff Bennett  directoratlarge@mvfn.ca
2nd Director at Large:  Vacant
Secretary: Sandy Duncan secretary@mvfn.ca

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