2011 MVFN Spring Canoe/Kayak Outing – Clyde River at Lanark

2011 MVFN Spring Canoe/Kayak Outing – Clyde River at Lanark

(# 12 on the canoe brochure)

Sunday, June 5, 2011 – 9:30am launch

Car Pooling: Eastern Lanark and area: meet at Union Hall at 9:00 a.m. Western Lanark and area: meet at canoe launch in Lanark Village

Launch: at the River Park launch site in Lanark Village (near intersection of George St. & Hillier St.) – aiming for 9:30 a.m. launch

Lunch will be en route – beverages and munchies at Lanark Landing Restaurant after the canoe trip.

Bring: lunch, binoculars, rain gear, bug juice, sun hats and suntan lotion.

Please register beforehand by calling or e-mailing Howard & Mary Robinson, 613-256-0817 (hmrob@storm.ca) and provide your phone number.

Let us know if you have a canoe and need a partner or, if you wish to partner with someone who has a canoe.

In case of severe weather, this event will be cancelled.

 If in doubt, please call Howard or Mary before 8:30am.


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