Appleton Wetland Report

This report is a culmination of over three years of study, research, observations and actions, and was prepared by the Appleton Wetland Research Group of the Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists (MVFN).

photo Al Seaman

The initial study of this Provincially Significant Wetland began in 2011, in response to the mass die-off of the trees within the wetland. An expanded Research Group was formed by MVFN in the summer of 2013, commissioned to complete research into the causes of the die-off, and to prepare a report on findings and recommendations for remediation. The intended primary recipients for the report were the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and the Standing Advisory Committee (SAC) of the Mississippi River Water Management Plan. A preliminary verbal report, with accompanying MS PowerPoint presentation, was presented to the above agencies in March of 2014.

We have now completed an extensive written report of our research and findings. The final report dated August 11, 2014, an executive summary, Appendices A through Q, and the preliminary presentation are all posted  below. To contact the Research Group for more information or comments, please contact and a member of the Research Group will try to answer questions. The lead on this project was the late Al Seaman.

Copyright Notice: Please note that all information contained within the preliminary report, the final report and the Appendices are copyright the Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists (except where indicated). All Rights Reserved. The information may be copied, in whole or in part, without editing or alteration, for non-commercial purposes, provided that the information source and copyright are identified with such copy.

A printed copy of the report and appendices posted below are also available for reference at the Almonte branch of the Mississippi Mills Public Library.

Executive Summary Appleton Wetland Report
Appleton Wetland Report
Appendix A-Definitions
Appendix B-Extracts-MRWMP
Appendix C-Flow Records
Appendix D-Level Records
Appendix E-Photo Analysis
Appendix F-Appleton Level Reference
Appendix G-MVFN Tree Project
Appendix H-Coordinated Level Measurements
Appendix I-Rock Ridge levels
Appendix J-The Vanishing Island
Appendix K-Wetland Inspection
Appendix L-Tree Coring
Appendix M-SAC-Min
Appendix N-PSW-ANSI
Appendix O-Wetland Photos
Appendix P-More Flow-Level
Appendix Q-MVCA-report
Appleton Wetland Preliminary Report Power Point Presentation 2014-03-11
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