Ferguson Falls paddling trip, June 25 2024

Twenty intrepid paddlers arrived early and  launched on a sunny 24 C day, into a windy upriver paddle toward Stafford Island (aka Heart Island).

We paddled around the island to explore duck blinds, look for turtles, and check out the skies for Osprey (one sighting), the river for loons, herons, and other wildlife.  After about two hours of paddling, we had lunch at Gold Creek Getaway, Lanark Highlands premier EcoResort!  Angela, who is an AirBNB superhost, let us have lunch on her waterfront and showed us around her amazing property.  An excellent place to get away with family and friends!  Many thanks Angela.

To all the paddlers who made this Tuesday paddle, there were solo canoes, kayaks and tandem canoes of materials from Royalex, Cedar-canvas and Kevlar/Carbon fibre.  Lots of social time and chats on the water, as usual, and we always go home richer in fellowship, shared experiences and knowledge.

Thank you to everyone who supported and was involved this week.

Check this link Mississippi Valley Field Naturalist-Paddling for the summer schedule of outings!

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