Mexico and the Monarchs Revisited

Following a most successful international outing to Mexico in 2009 to visit the wintering quarters of the migrating monarch butterfly, and the intriguing presentation by our 2009 guide, Monarch Conservation expert and Canadian Museum of Nature Associate, Jean Lauriault,  at our 2015 Spring Gathering, it‘s time to go back to Mexico with Jean to see how the Monarchs are getting along.

Leaving Sat. Feb. 20, 2016, returning Sat. Feb. 27

This is an excellent nature adventure mixed with plenty of Mexican history, culture and entertainment. The trip is designated moderate difficulty. Accompanying us in the mountains will be a trained medical professional in case we run into difficulty.

Designed by Jean Lauriault and friends, exclusively for MVFN, our leader will be Jean himself and a local Mexican organizer and guide.

This is a great tour! I know, for I was on the first trip in 2009.

Details of the tour:  cost  US $2100 per person and includes:

  • all accommodations – double occupancy (single accommodation pays a surcharge of US$300)
  • Gratuities for all services provided by Jean
  • Ground transportation in a small air conditioned bus
  • All meals as offered
  • Bottled water at meals plus in the bus
  • Park entrance fees
  • Services of Jean Lauriault and Mexican bilingual guides

Airfare is separate and costs approx $950 CDN, including all taxes. We get our own tickets for a specially booked flight from Ottawa to Mexico City and return. That way, we can use our travel points.

Also not covered are:

  • any fuel surcharges
  • extra accommodations due to interruption of flight services
  • airport departure taxes/Mexican tourist visa card
  • airport transfers if you don’t fly on the group flight
  • bar expenses and optional activities
  • items of a personal nature
  • additional transportation due to any emergency situation (your insurance should cover that)

A deposit of $500 Cdn is required by Sept. 1, 2015, payable to MVFN, with the balance payable by Dec. 4, 2015. If you want to join us in another very successful international outing, here’s what you should do:

  • Send me an email indicating your interest and I will send you an itinerary, application form, waiver, plus other details.
  • Return your forms and $500 deposit before Sept. 1 and you’re in!
  • Mail to MVFN P.O. Box 1617, Almonte, ON  K0A 1A0 or give them to me personally.
  • Deposit cheques should be made payable to Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists

This tour is limited to only 20 persons so I will take registrations in priority of receipt of application and deposit.

If the tour is not filled by mid August, I will open registration to the Macnamara Field Naturalist Club and others

Any questions, please contact me.

Best for now,

Cliff Bennett



Jean shows slide of Monarch migration
Jean shows slide of Monarch migration


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