NOTE: As announced at the March meeting, plans are currently (March 2015) underway for an international outing, once again to Mexico in the upcoming year. Full details will be posted as soon as they are all confirmed.
MVFN’s international outing program began in 2009. The idea came about after a lecture by Canadian Museum of Nature’s Jean Lauriault on the international nature of collaboration needed to conserve the monarch butterfly. Jean collaborated with MVFN to bring a group to Mexico to see the overwintering grounds of the monarch butterfly. Jean Lauriault himself went on this trip.
Since that first trip, enthusiasm has grown for the international outings. The following are the other trips which have taken place.
2009Â Monarch butterfly winter home Mexico
2010Â Tour of Cuba
2012Â Costa Rica
2013Â Tour of Cuba #2
Summary to April 2015