Inspiring Canada – by canoe



Join your MVFN friends, and other ‘kindred spirits’,
Thursday June 18th @ 6:45 pm

Dr. James Raffan is going to help MVFN launch the 2020 padding season with a presentation on the Canadian Canoe Museum.

The Canadian Canoe Museum in Peterborough, Ontario, has stewarded, for the last 20 years, the world’s largest collection of canoes, kayaks and paddled watercraft. Indeed, The Senate of Canada has declared the museum as being “a cultural asset of national significance.” Whether you’ve visited the Museum or not, James’ presentation will undoubtedly share fascinating insights and stories concerning the evolution of this unique window on our shared Canadian heritage…including up-to-date news about the ongoing new museum re-location project!

James, currently Director of External Relations for The Canadian Canoe Museum, has been a part of the museum since its inception, having held a number of roles including, most recently, the Director of Development and Director Emeritus.

The meeting will ‘officially begin’ at 7 pm sharp with a few introductory comments. James’ presentation will be approximately 50 minutes with an additional 15 minutes allotted for Questions. Therefore, the session will ‘officially’ conclude by 8:15 pm

Now that we have some experience with Zoom we are happy to welcome non-members. Please feel free to invite other friends who might be interested by simply forwarding this invitation to them!
To participate all you need to do is to click on the link below and use the Meeting ID and Password.

Meeting ID: 892 8361 6641
Password: 596890

Date: Thursday, June 18, 2020
Time: :6:45 p.m. for socializing & familiarization with Zoom, 7:00 for program
Place: A computer, tablet or phone near you

Hope to see you all there!

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