Fall Open Houses at the Almonte Lagoon 2021

Report by Michel Gauthier

In September of 2021, the Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists, in order to instill a sense of continuity during yet another year of pandemic, held the four traditional Fall Open Houses at the Almonte Lagoon.

Let’s say it right away: The birds did not cooperate. For a second year in a row, the total numbers were down, and the number of species reached a low not seen since 2016. Twenty-six MVFN members gathered the data shown in the following charts. Despite the disappointing numbers, they enjoyed the exercise of counting 925 birds and recording 38 species. Three species of note among the 38 were: American Bittern, Sharp-shinned Hawk, and Marsh Wren.

However dismal the numbers, our members remain optimistic. As they walked away from the bird-viewing shelter, they talked of exciting advances in the field of solar generation, the amazing improvements in battery storage capabilities, as well as the mind-boggling advances in the BEV world (Battery Powered Vehicles). All those technologies have the potential to revolutionize our world and do away with greenhouse emissions. Something that will be good not only for the birds, but also for every human being on the earth.

There is always a silver lining, if one looks hard enough.

FULL REPORT:2021 Fall Open Houses Report

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