2023 Carleton Place Christmas Bird Count results

photo: Dan Vasiu

On December 27th 35 observers took to the field and 21 residents monitored their feeders as part of the 2023 Carleton Place Christmas Bird Count (CBC).  The day started out mild (above 0 Celsius) and very foggy which was replaced by intermittent light rain and clouds by mid morning.  The warm winter weather, little snow and abundant food available in the north likely accounted for the near complete lack of winter birds.  No Grosbeaks, Redpolls, Crossbills or Waxwing were observed. The American Goldfinch could be found everywhere with an above average count of 803.   The 905 Canada Geese, 68 Mallards,  and 11 Common Mergansers took advantage of the open water that was available at nearly all locations.    Whereas the usual flock of Common Goldeneye found at this time of year was down to only 1 on the Mississippi River.   Despite no Snowy or Barred Owls, a fair number of raptors were in the area with 4 Bald Eagles, 5 Cooper’s Hawk, 4 Red-tailed and 2 Rough-legged Hawks.  The total species count was 40, below the 10-year average of 45, and 5966 individuals counted, below the average of 6402.

There were 2 rarities discovered along the Mississippi River in town; 1 Hermit Thrush and 1 Wilson’s Snipe.  Both were discovered by Mike and Joyce, two long time CBC participants.  Both species have been seen only once before on a CBC; 2012 for the Thrush and 1997 for the Snipe.

A thank you goes out to all of the field and feeder participants for continuing to support the CP CBC as well as MVFN for supporting and publishing the event through their website and email.

Best of the 2024 to all of you out there!

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