2014 Champion for Nature David White

David White has contributed greatly to natural heritage conservation in Lanark County by creating and making accessible a flora for the County. David’s flora includes: descriptions and photographs of significant places for flora, photographs of special plants, and a list of all the plant species (aliens distinguished from native) found in the County including their degree of rarity, habitat type, and locations. Further, David keeps the plant species names on this list up-to-date with new published taxonomic literature—a huge task.  This natural heritage resource has been developed and is maintained entirely through volunteer time.  It is available online, at www.lanarkflora.com, to all interested in our flora.











Above l-r: Lobelia spicata (Pale Spike Lobelia), Cardamine concatenata (Cut-leaved Toothwort), Halenia deflexa (Spurred-gentian); photos from www.lanarkflora.com.

David White 2014

Cathy Keddy presents the 2014 MVFN Champion for Nature Award to David White at the May 15 Spring Gathering in Almonte. Photo Pauline Donaldson

David’s flora has very practical nature conservation applications. One of the most important is in assessing the value of our natural areas and setting priorities for protection. By comparing a species list for a property to David’s species status information, we can determine the significance of the plant species found on the property.

Thus, thanks to MVFN’s 2014 Champion for Nature, David White, information about all plant species in Lanark County is available and can be used in developing plans for conservation of these species.

David White’s Plants of Lanark County website is at www.lanarkflora.com.




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