Canoe Journeys- #25 Tay River from Glen Tay to Perth

Tay River from Glen Tay to Perth

How to Get There: Five km west of Perth on Hwy. 7 to traffic lights at Glen Tay. South over the railroad tracks to Christie Lake Rd. Left on Christie Lake Rd. and right onto Glen Tay Rd., to bridge over Tay River.

The Launch Site: Northwest corner of bridge across from stone mill. Car park north side of white house by stone wall. Launch site difficult for less able persons.

The Paddle: Either shoot immediate rapids or walk canoe down rapids. Not suitable for less able persons. Paddle downriver to small dam at golf course. Portage (watch for flying golf balls) to point of land by red arched bridge. Beach canoe here to picnic, or cross park to explore.

Watch For: Bountiful wildlife and wild flowers.

Seasonal Information: Shallow in spots during low water. Fair current when water high. Takes longer to return to launch site.


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