2019 MVFN Canoe Camp, Whitefish Lake, Algonquin Park

“Seeing Nature together from the Waters’ Edge”

We are pleased to announce our 12th annual MVFN Canoe Camp, set this year for Whitefish Lake in Algonquin Park. Please see all the details below!

MVFN Canoe Camp, photo September 2016 by B. Boyd

When:  Friday, September 6 to Monday, September 9, 2019

Where:  Whitefish Lake Group Campground, Algonquin Park, 36 km into the Park on Highway 60

For: All current MVFN members who enjoy canoe/kayak/hiking/camping, with a maximum of 25 people.

Cost:  $75 per person.  This covers site registration, per person payment; parking; firewood and program planning. If there is a surplus from registration fees, money will go to the MVFN Cliff Bennett Nature Bursary Program.  If there is a deficit, additional money will be requested from each camper.  Some people may only wish to attend for part of the camp, which is fine, but the set fee is the same for everyone, as MVFN has to pay for everything ahead of time.

Program:  We paddle for 4-5 hours/day, stopping to observe any interesting flora and fauna along the way.  We divide the paddle up between morning and afternoon sessions, with a leisurely lunch on shore in between.  The paddles are designed for people of all paddling abilities – no white water paddling!!  Alternately, you may choose to hike one of the beautiful trails nearby, or go for a 1/2 day paddle.  Leaders will be assigned for each activity.

You are responsible for bringing and cooking your own meals and beverages of choice (including alcoholic beverages), except for Saturday dinner, which is a group potluck (with leftovers Sunday evening!).   We do cook and eat together in a communal kitchen area, with our own equipment.  We eat dinner together at a set time, but breakfast is on your own time.

I’m sure some people wonder why we so often return to Algonquin Park at either Whitefish Lake or Achray Group campgrounds.  Firstly,  they have lovely large campsites.  Secondly, there are several options of day paddles and hikes at each campground that are not available at other provincial parks with group campsites.  Thirdly, the Park is within reasonable driving distance.  And finally, there is something magical and mystical about Algonquin Park that calls to all of us, and everyone seems to be totally happy to be back in our favourite area for camping, enjoying each other’s company, and paddling pristine lakes and rivers in lovely, almost bugless early September weather.

Preliminary Registration:  To pre-register (which will hold your spot), please send your name, email address and phone # to Brenda Boyd at:  bjboyd26@gmail.com or call Brenda at 613-256-2706 with any questions.

NOTE: Registration is limited to 25 people, and is on a first-come, first-served basis.

You must be a current MVFN member in order to attend this camp. In early August, you will be asked to formally register and pay the fee online.

We look forward to a relaxing, fun weekend with you!  Bring your musical instruments and campfire singing voice.

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