By Cliff Bennett
At last, a canoe camp without adverse rains and wind storms. MVFN’s annual canoe camp for 2017 took place at Algonquin Park’s group campsite on Whitefish Lake, September 8 to 11 and the whole four days held perfect weather. The Saturday paddle saw the group travel south on Whitefish into the Madawaska River and on to Rock Lake, where lunch was enjoyed. Mirror-like water conditions allowed paddlers to really enjoy nature from the water’s edge. On the return journey, the wind came up somewhat but didn’t hamper progress. Water levels were high all over making for a strong current on the narrow river between lakes. Many warblers were spotted and a lake shore beaver house drew much interest.
The Sunday paddle saw the group leave the camp beach and follow the meandering Madawaska River north through Pog Lake and into the Lake of Two Rivers. This river section was well lined with rows of alder, mountain holly, dogwood and Northern wild raisin bushes, drawing many cedar waxwings and robins in for lunch. Yellow-rumped warblers continued to be plentiful and ravens constantly called out their presence throughout the day. Saturday’s pot luck dinner was well enjoyed.
Temperatures plunged down to only two degrees Celsius at night making the evening campfires more than welcome. Two enterprising young women even heated large stones for their sleeping bags. During the day, when not paddling, several members enjoyed non-water activities by hiking the various trails and visiting the several park attractions. Although numbers were down this year, all agreed that MVFN should continue this annual event.
The camp was organized this year by Pam Hickman, assisted by Howard and Mary Robinson and Doug Younger-Lewis. Photos for the photo story below were provided by Pam Hickman and Elizabeth Veninga.