2008 Champion for Nature Jim Bendell

Dr. Jim Bendell, retired Biology Professor from the University of Toronto and co- author of the award-winning book Blue Grouse: Their Biology and Natural History, is respectfully named ‘Professor Partridge’ for his abiding passion for the grouse tribe.

Jim’s contributions as an MVFN BOD member have overwhelmed our record keeping. He has been a long standing MVFN nature outing guide and leader of show & tells whose fascination with nature is simply contagious!

bioblitz 2009 Bendell (1024x768)

Jim (centre) at Bioblitz in 2009

Jim is also a long standing member of the Lanark Highlands Environmental Advisory Committee. For Jim, conservation is all about the setting aside of natural areas, the preservation of wilderness areas to include preservation of biodiversity, and the active protection of wildlife for their inherent value as much as for any value they may have for humans.

Jim Bendell has influenced more people than he could ever realize. Let me share a key learning that I contribute to hanging around Dr. Jim Bendell: ‘Home is where there’s habitat’. And what can be done to make sure that ‘home’ is here for the next generation? Jim walks the talk, and as a fledgling MVFN BOD member I seldom ever attended a public meeting in Lanark Highlands where a matter impacting nature was involved that I did not find Jim in attendance. . . Jim you are right it is worth preserving!” ~ Mike McPhail.


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