Paddlers Needed for Voyageur Brigade on Trent-Severn Waterway, July 27-Aug 6

We don’t normally publicize announcements for other organizations, but this one is special because it is a rare opportunity, and involves a couple of our members

Two MVFN members were planning to join the voyageur canoe brigade on the Trent-Severn Waterway from July 27 to August 7. There will be about 15 voyageur canoes participating. Unfortunately, they have both had to withdraw for health reasons.
A brief description of the trip is found here:
To participate, you have to join the Voyageur Brigade Society for $18 plus a small fee.

They each paid $312 to cover things such as camping fees, park passes, 3 group meals, lock permits and t-shirts. There will also be some additional cost for shared meals with the crew.

They aren’t worried as much about getting their money back, as finding a couple of paddlers to replace them. You don’t need to have paddling experience, but it helps. Paddlers will also help shuttle vehicles.
Katy Cox is the leader of the crew. She can be reached here or 705–457-0247 (phone or text) for more information.
If you are interested in filling one or both of these seats, please contact the crew leader asap, and also email me at and I will let our affected members know.

Art Solomonian
Paddling Committee

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