Nature Talk March 18 – A Spring Excursion into the Wetlands of the Mississippi River Watershed

We are pleased to announce our upcoming presentation of MVFN Nature Talks. On Thursday, March 18, 2021 we will continue with our theme of “Eye Wonder: The Magic and Mystery of Our Natural World”. The next speaker in our series is Dr. Paul Keddy.  He will present, via Zoom, “A Spring Excursion into the Wetlands of the Mississippi River Watershed in Ontario”.

Dr. Paul Keddy grew up on Glen Isle in the Mississippi River and went on to become an international expert on wetlands.  Over his career, Paul has not only taught university classes the principles of ecology, but has also canoed wild rivers to search for rare plants, and studied alligator ecology in Louisiana.

Note: Due to the increasing popularity of our Nature Talks on Zoom, you must pre-register for this event and be a MVFN member in good standing. If you’re sure that you’ve renewed your membership for the 2020 year, or if you have your MVFN membership card handy and it says 2020, simply complete this form to register.

If you need to renew your membership, please go to our website in the JOIN US section and complete your renewal before February 13. Then register for the ZOOM presentation.

Date: Thursday, March 18, 2021
Time: :6:45 p.m. for socializing & familiarization with Zoom,

Nature Sightings: 6:50 p.m. Ken Allison will discuss any sightings sent to him before noon on the 17th or you could add them to our iNaturalist project.  Please add “MVFN Nature Talk Sighting” in the Notes section of the observation posting.

Place: A computer, tablet or phone near you

We look forward to seeing you online!

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