Nature Notebook – Thunder Down Below

By: Joel E. Byrne

Just stick your ear to someone’s gut,
My God! the sounds you’ll hear,
No matter what their diet is…
Veggies, toast or beer.

I thought of this the other day
When the merc’ dropped out of sight;
Old winter covered up the lake,
And bid the bays goodnight.

But the lake was in a party mood,
And mumbled discontent–
It growled and groaned all through the night,
Three guesses what it meant.

Imagine being put to bed
Your belly full of ice…
An ice-sheet for a blanket,
And your stomach lined with gneiss!

So stick your ear to somone’s gut,
My God! the sounds you’ll hear–
Reminds me of the lake’s complaint:
No veggies, toast or beer!

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