MVFN Nature Notebook Sightings 2019

Monarch Butterfly

Received August 30, 2019

Almonte, August 2019. Photo by Michel Gauthier.

Each fall millions of monarch butterflies migrate to overwintering sites in Mexico and to a scattering of locations along the coast of California. In the spring monarchs return to breeding areas and the cycle starts again: a two-way migration that is one of the most spectacular on the planet.


Stretching chick, loons on Clayton & Taylor Lake

Received July 1, 2019

“It appears that most loons on Clayton and Taylor lakes are still nesting as of 2019-06-30. There was one family with a single chick that was stretching its leg. Up until now I had never seen a chick stretching its leg and at one point it was stretching both of them at the same time.” More information.

~Howard Robinson

Loon Chick stretching, Clayton Lake, June 2019. photo H. Robinson


Nesting Common Loon, June 2019. photo H. Robinson


Green heron calling from tree-top in Almonte garden near Mississippi River

Received July 1, 2019

“A “strange” sound alerted me to a bird sitting high up atop a locust tree in our garden a few blocks from the Mississippi River. It took examination of these photos to identify the bird as a green heron. And a search of sounds documented for this bird, revealed that what I probably heard was the bird calling for a mate.” More information.

~ Pauline Donaldson

Green Heron, Almonte, ON June 4, 2019. photo P. Donaldson


Green Heron, Almonte, ON June 4, 2019. photo 2 P. Donaldson


Green Heron, Almonte, ON June 4, 2019. photo 3 P. Donaldson


Spring bird sightings

May 5, 2019: Juvenile rose-breasted grosbeak. More information.

photo L. Balthazar

May 7, 2019: First Oriole, Sheridan Rapids More information.

May 9, 2019: White-crowned Sparrow More information.

photo L. Balthazar

May 9, 2019: Female Purple Finch. More information

photo L. Balthazar

May 9,2019: Rose-breasted Grosbeak. More information.

photo Lise Balthazar

May 11, 2019: Juvenile rose-breasted grosbeak

photo L. Balthazar

May 11, 2019: Ruby-throated Hummingbird. More Information.

photo by Lise Balthazar

May 11, 2019: Song Sparrow. More information.

photo by Lise Balthazar

May 13, 2019: Oriole at bird bath.

photo by Lise Balthazar

April 16, 2019: Male Hooded-Merganser, Mississippi River. More information

photo N. Capitanio

Female Hooded Merganser.

April 11, 2019: Trumpter Swan, Fallbrook Ontario. More information.

photo N. Capitanio


The colours of winter

These photographs of birds during January 2019 in Sheridan Rapids, Ontario are by Lise Balthazar, sent in on January 29.

Evening Grosbeak, photo Lise Balthazar


Pine Grosbeak. photo Lise Balthazar


Redpolls, photo Lise Balthazar


A Red-bellied Woodpecker

January 12, 2019. A Red-bellied Woodpecker was observed locally in the Halpenny area. Photos and report sent in by Gerard Rumleskie. This is quite a rare sighting for our area, with only one of these birds seen on the Carleton Place Christmas Bird Count this year, and that was a record for the count. Thank you for sending in this sighting! More information.

Red-bellied Woodpecker, Jan 2019, Halpenny, ON photo Gerard Rumleskie


Red-bellied Woodpecker, Halpenny, ON. photo courtesy G. Rumleskie

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