Early Morning Spring Birds Tally: 2009-2015

Here is a tally of bird species seen or heard from 2009-2015 during MVFN Early Morning Bird Walks. Typically these early morning walks take place between 6 and 8 am on four Wednesdays in April,  in various locations in and around Mississippi Mills and other areas in Lanark County, Ontario. Watch the MVFN website in early Spring for dates and locations of the next Early Morning Bird Walk!

The information was compiled May 18, 2015 by Neil Carleton.


IMG_6383 Gray Catbird Robinson

Gray Catbird: This photo was taken in the spring and is one of the species seen on an Early Morning Bird Walk in 2011; but this particular Gray Catbird was seen during MVFN’s 4-day trip to Point Pelee National Park, May 2015 and was photographed by Howard Robinson. What a fantastic picture!



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