Committees – Terms of Reference

Birding Committee (BC)

The committee shall:

  • prepare an annual plan to increase public knowledge, appreciation and respect for the avian life
  • develop and exercise strategies and initiatives that provide opportunities to observe birds in a variety of habitats
  • prepare and edit the brochure Birding locations in Lanark and the Lanark Checklist
  • recommend an annual budget for actions and activities of this committee
  • report to each regular board meeting through the program chair
  • the committee shall consist of a minimum of 3 persons, including the chair
  • the chair of this committee will report to the Program Chair

Bursary Committee and Fund

MVFN Cliff Bennett Nature Bursary Fund (hereafter known as “the Fund”)

History: In 2007, an initial $7500 arose from monies donated to establish the Fund in celebration of Cliff Bennett’s 75th birthday. Upon agreement with MVFN, this amount was received by MVFN and invested in securities and with the Community Fund of Ottawa as an endowment fund, in order to raise interest amounts to be applied to each year’s bursary awards. The Fund accounting was created by MVFN and held as a separate financial account. As other monies are raised they are either added to the endowment or accounted for within a separate MVFN bursary awards residual fund.

The MVFN Finance Committee shall be responsible for the prudent management of the Fund and shall review annually the assets and disbursements.

Each year, the MVFN Finance Committee shall announce to the MVFN Cliff Bennett Nature Bursary Awards Committee (CBNBAC) the amount raised from the investments plus other donations and residual monies, available for application to an annual bursary award (s).

The mandate of the Fund is to assess and award annually bursaries to graduating secondary school students within the MVFN catchment area, who wish to pursue university or college education leading to careers in the natural environment field.

  • Upon recommendation from the committee, the committee chair shall be appointed by the MVFN President, in consultation with the MVFN Board.
  • The committee shall consist of a minimum of three persons, including the chair and a secretary.
  • The committee shall be independently functioning separately from the MVFN Board structure.
  • The committee shall meet at least once a year, in late February or early March, to implement procedures leading to the awarding of the bursary(s) for that year.
  • The committee shall be self administered and shall ensure that there are members available to serve on the committee in the following year(s).
  • In the absence of a chair, the secretary shall be responsible for the continuance of the bursary programme until the chair (or his/her replacement) resumes his/her responsibilities.
  • The committee shall review and determine the criteria of eligibility and assessment for bursary awards.
  • The committee chair shall notify the MVFN Board annually, of the results of their determinations.
  • Winners will be announced at the AGM each year
  • The committee shall make recommendations, when appropriate, to the MVFN Board to ensure the continuing success of the goals of the Bursary program.
  • The committee may ask the MVFN Finance Committee for permission to review the Fund at any time and may advise the MVFN Finance Committee on administration policies concerning the fund.

Canoe/Kayak Program

A committee consisting of a Chair Person and Steering Committee plans and implements a canoe/kayak program.

The committee shall:

  • promote and conduct and oversee the canoe/kayak programme
  • solicit a core group of members to assist with the programme
  • solicit leadership of individual programme components
  • make plans for each year’s programme, including dates and schedules, to be submitted to MVFN Programme Committee chair by Feb. 1 of each year
  • submit an annual report to Programme Committee Chair, at end of canoeing season
  • establish any budgetary requirements, for submission to Programme Committee Chair by Feb. 1 of each year
  • promote and ensure all safety requirements as required under MVFN’s mandate

Conservation and Habitat Restoration (CHR) Committee

The committee shall:

  • plan, enact and supervise approved Board projects and policies related to conservation and habitat restoration of our natural world within the catchment area of Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists,
  • conspire and cooperate with other agencies with similar goals,
  • recommend to the Board an annual program of projects and budget
  • recommend to the Board the appointment of a CHR chair, who shall be a voting Director of the Boardthe CHR chair shall report to the Board regularly on projects and progress.

The CHR committee shall have access to funds generated from the Mike McPhail Investment Fund and all other funds designated specifically for this committee.

Environmental Education Program (EEP) Committee

The committee shall;

  • Prepare and recommend to the Board for approval an annual plan developing the MVFN theme of “Bringing Environmental Education Programming to Children”.
  • Research and capitalize on external resources available for developing EEP.
  • Enact and supervise, monitor and evaluate EEP approved by the Board.
  • Recommend to the Board an annual budget for EEP for the MVFN Annual General Meeting.
  • Prepare and submit to the Board an annual report
  • Recommend to the Board the appointment of a chair of the EEP Committee.
  • The chair shall be a voting Director of the Board and shall report regularly on the progress of the EEP program.

Note: EEP Committee shall be responsible for the MVFN Young Naturalists program.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee shall:

  • Administer all duties as indicated in By Law #32 (BANKING)
  • study and recommend to the Board for approval a detailed annual budget for capital and operating revenues and expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year;
  • study the detailed financial statement for the month previous to the date of each regular meeting of the Board, and advise the Board accordingly;
  • advise the Board with regard to donations, bequests, endowments, and investments;
  • recommend to the Board the types and amounts of insurance to be carried by the MVFN, and review these annually;
  • meet with the auditor of the MVFN and review the annual financial statement and position prior to the annual general meeting, and advise the Board accordingly;
  • recommend to the Board the membership categories and fees of the MVFN;
  • inform and advise the Board on financial matters of the MVFN as required;
  • prepare all reports and returns required by any act or regulations;
  • advise the Board on the selection of all financial institutions designated to carry out financial business for MVFN.

The finance committee shall consist of a minimum of three (3) members including the Chair, who shall be elected to the position by the members, and shall include the Treasurer.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall:

  • Prepare and recommend to the Board an annual plan to encourage membership in MVFN.
  • Monitor the MVFN membership experience.
  • Prepare and carry out plans to announce and encourage membership renewal.
  • Prepare and carry out plans to follow up on lapsed memberships.
  • Develop an MVFN information package for new members.
  • Prepare and carry out plans to create a welcoming environment for all members attending MVFN functions.
  • Review and recommend to the Board membership fees, categories and identity.
  • Prepare an annual budget for anticipated membership promotion expenses.
  • Prepare and present an annual report to the Annual General Meeting.
  • Maintaining and keeping up-to-date the membership list.
  • Recommend to the Board the appointment of the Chair of the membership committee.
  • Review and recommend any changes to the Terms of Reference of the Membership Committee, to the Board. The Membership Committee shall be composed of at least three MVFN members and shall report to the Board of Directors.

The Membership Committee shall meet periodically to carry out business related to membership. The chair of the membership committee shall be a Director of the Board of Directors.

Program Committee

The Program Committee shall:

  • prepare and recommend to the Board for approval an annual plan of programs that take into account the purpose and objectives of the MVFN;
  • prepare and recommend policy to the Board for approval on the approved programs of the MVFN;
  • recommend an annual budget for the approved programs of the MVFN to the Finance Committee for approval;
  • monitor and evaluate the implementation of the approved programs of the MVFN;
  • report to each regular meeting of the Board on the progress and status of the approved programs of the MVFN.
  • The Program Committee shall consist of a minimum of three persons, including the chair.
  • The Chair of this committee shall sit as a Director on the Board of Directors

Publicity and Public Relations (PPR) Committee

The Publicity and Public Relations Committee shall:

  • develop and exercise strategies and initiatives that will increase MVFN’s “corporate image”,
  • prepare and recommend to the Board for approval, policies and procedures on publicity and public relations that take into account the purpose and objectives of the MVFN;
  • monitor and edit all media releases on activities of MVFN to ensure quality and accuracy of information disseminated to the public,
  • ensure control and enhancement of the MVFN website and Facebook,
  • recommend an annual budget to the Finance Committee for approval for actions and activities of this committee,
  • report to each regular meeting of the Board on the progress and status of this committee,
  • the PPR committee shall consist of a minimum of three persons, including a chair and the webmaster,
  • the chair of this committee shall be a director and exercise voting rights as a member of the Board.

Service Crew

The Service Crew shall be headed by a leader and may consist of as many members as needed.

Their role is to be responsible for:

  • setting up and taking down all equipment needed for Lecture Nights and other special MVFN functions.
  • setting up chairs and tables and putting them away after the meetings.
  • storing, maintaining and accounting for all MVFN equipment, including keeping an inventory.

The Service Crew leader shall present an annual budget to the treasurer. The Service Crew leader shall relate to an MVFN Vice-President.

Social Committee

The main activity of the Social Committee is to provide refreshments for the speaker evenings.

  • The committee shall appoint a leader, who will report to a MVFN Vice president.
  • The committee is responsible for setting out refreshments, including tea, coffee and juice and clean-up after the event and storage of equipment used.
  • The Social Committee controls their own finances through collection of donations at each event and uses these funds to replenish their supplies.
  • The Committee may be asked to perform other tasks from time to time such as assist with the Spring Gathering.
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