MVFN Champion for Nature Awards

In 2008, MVFN’s Board of Directors, acting on an idea enthusiastically proposed by then MVFN President Mike McPhail, established the MVFN Champion For Nature Awards. The inaugural awards were presented by Mike McPhail in May 2008 at the Annual General Meeting held at Union Hall, with three awards being presented that night; the award to Mike Jaques was presented later on at the September MVFN lecture held at Almonte United Church.

The MVFN Champion For Nature Awards were established to provide opportunities to acknowledge celebrate and congratulate the efforts of individuals or groups whether MVFN members or non members, who have been truly outstanding Champions for our Natural World in Ontario’s Mississippi River Watershed.

The MVFN Champion For Nature Award are awarded annually or when appropriate to deserving individuals and groups that have demonstrated their commitment to wildlife conservation through active involvement as volunteers, or professionals. Their actions have helped raise awareness and contributed toward the protection of our local natural heritage.

Since 2008, thirteen people have been named MVFN Champions for Nature. Follow links from the names below for details about each of our MVFN Champions for Nature.

2008 Champions for Nature:

Paul Keddy
Jim Bendell
Paul Egginton
Mike Jaques 

2009 Champions for Nature:

Cliff Bennett 
Neil Carleton 

2011 Champion for Nature:

Mike McPhail 

2012 Champion for Nature:

Al Potvin 

 2014 Champion for Nature:

David White

2015 Champion for Nature:

Howard Clifford

2016 Champion for Nature:

Ray Holland
Tineke Kuiper

2017 Champion for Nature:

Michael Macpherson


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