2010 Cliff Bennett Nature Bursary Awards presented to two local students

2010 Cliff Bennett Nature Bursary Awards presented to two local students set to attend environmental programs at Ontario colleges

L-R: Cliff Bennett, award winners Natasha Gray and Jenna Rattray, Joyce Clinton (MVFN President)

MVFN’s Cliff Bennett Nature Bursary Program has awarded $500.00 bursaries to two local high school students set to attend environmental programs at Ontario colleges this fall.

This years’ winners are Natasha Gray from Almonte District High School and Jenna Rattray from Carleton Place High School. Such bursaries have been awarded since 2007 to area graduating secondary school students with a demonstrated appreciation for our natural environment who wish to pursue post-secondary studies in an aspect of nature or an environmental field.

Natasha Gray has been accepted into the Fish and Wildlife Technology program at Sir Sanford Fleming College in Lindsay. Her long term goal is to become a conservation officer “to help protect plants and animals in their habitat”.

Jenna Rattray will be entering Environmental Studies in the Arts and Science program at Algonquin College in Ottawa. She has been actively involved with environment and community groups and hopes to make a difference in our area’s environmental issues by “having a passionate voice to remind everyone of the harm we are doing to our environment and the impact it will have on the world for future generations”.

The Cliff Bennett Nature Bursary Award was established in 2007 by MVFN members and friends and family of naturalist and retired educator Cliff Bennett on the occasion of his 75th birthday. The bursary is awarded annually and application and other details may be found on MVFN’s website at mvfn.ca.

Congratulations to both of this year’s award winners and best wishes for your studies.

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