Young Naturalists registration for children age 6-11
Hello everyone!
We hope you are all having a fantastic summer!
September is just around the corner and it is time to begin the registration process for the fall 2015 session of the MVFN Young Naturalist’s (YN) program. The Young Naturalist sessions are designed to develop and expand the interests of the children in the natural world with the hopes that they may grow to be lifelong naturalists and citizen scientists. During each session YN meets the first Saturday of each month to explore a nature-themed topic.
For children aged 6-11: Young Naturalists meet at the beautiful Mill of Kintail Conservation area and are led by qualified educator/biologist Patty McLaughlin with assistants, and coordinated by Ron Williamson! We have now completed 4 very successful years of the program. If you have children or grandchildren this age then this message is definitely for you. Also we greatly appreciate you telling any potential Young Naturalist’s you may know about the program.
Young Naturalists leader/biologist Patty McLaughlin with an avian patient at the Wild Bird Care Centre. photo by Barbara Adams
The dates and topics of the 2015 session are as follows:
Sept 12, 2015 – What is a Naturalist? : Exploring and appreciating the diversity of creatures around the Mill of Kintail
Oct 3, 2015 – Invisible nature: a look into puddles, spider webs and mushroom spores!
Nov 7, 2015 – Bones! and of course our favourite activity, owl pellet dissection!
Dec 5, 015 – Rocks and Minerals
Cost:Â for all 4 sessions is $60 per child.
Maximum number of participants in each session is 17
Early session  9:00 am – 10:30 am
Later session 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Thank you all for your great feedback at the end of the last session. This year we are going to make a greater effort to spend more time outdoors. Ron has made some great portable sit-upons for everyone so we can take the classroom lessons outside! We also aim to give everyone a bit more freedom to explore the topic of the month by spending some of the time in smaller groups. We hope this will give everyone a greater opportunity to ask more questions, and share more nature stories.
Registration: is on a first come first served basis. If you are interested in signing up please let Patty McLauglin know through email at asap so that your spot will be held. Payment and paperwork can be submitted at the first session. Please find see here the registration and waiver forms. If you cannot make it to the first session please make arrangements to get the payment / forms to Patty. We cannot hold your place beyond the first session if we have not received the paperwork. Thank you for your understanding.
Looking forward to seeing you in Sept!
MVFN Young Naturalists