“Wild Nights with the Moths of Dunrobin”

Over, Under and Through – A Closer Look at Nature

Lynn Scott

Thursday, October 17th, the Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists continues its 2019-2020 speaker series, “Over, Under and Through – A Closer Look at Nature”. Our second speaker in the series is Lynn Scott.

Lynn Scott, amateur lepidopterist, spent more than 10 years photographing moths at her front door in Dunrobin.

“Natural science has always been part of my life,” she says, “but the combination of a new single-reflex digital camera and very late nights arriving home from contentious school board meetings resulted in a new passion. With close-up photographs, I could discover so much more about the winged creatures who clustered around my porch lights, and moths were really fun!”

Lynn will walk us through her journey of discover – photographing and identifying moths. When the available field guides and internet searches proved insufficient for identifying what she photographed, Lynn made connections with lepidopterists at the Canadian National Collection of Insects in Ottawa, contributing data and specimens.

The data she compiled is still being used in the scientific community to further understanding of the amazing diversity of moths, their geographic ranges and flight seasons. Some of her photographs have been published in books, and she has recently contributed her accumulated data and photos of more than 1,000 species of moths to be incorporated in the Ontario Moth Atlas.

Before her retirement, Lynn worked with her husband as a consultant in telecommunications technology. She has been a trustee of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board for almost 25 years and is currently chair of the board.

Date: Thursday, October 18, 2019

Time: 7:00 p.m. for socializing & refreshments, 7:30 for program

Place: Almonte United Church Social Hall, 106 Elgin St., Almonte

Admission is free for MVFN members (check your membership card). There is an admission fee of $5 for non-members. No charge for youth 18 and under. We always welcome new members.

We hope to see you there!

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