What’s in Your Backyard this Spring


Hello, MVFN members!

We are launching a Lanark County backyard nature discovery project on iNaturalist. This will be a friendly challenge to see which member can make the most observations of nature, find the most species, and engage the most people during the event. As an extra bonus, all the nature observation data that you post to iNaturalist contributes to the biodiversity record of Lanark County and citizen science in general — what could be more fun and rewarding!

Let’s show the world the beauty of Lanark County!

Project description:

Using the free downloadable iNaturalist app and a digital camera, we are asking you to walk your property and record what you see. If you have a smart phone it is even easier – download the app and use you phone camera to photograph a subject. You can load photos from your desktop or once you are back on wifi. iNaturalist automatically generates suggestions based on your photo and location.

At the end of spring (June 20th), we will report on the project and some members will have the bragging rights to the title of Backyard Naturalist Spring champion of MVFN!

What should members do.

1) Open an account on iNaturalist. Open
2) Join the MVFN Lanark County project. Join
3) Start posting nature observations in Lanark County (all taxa).

You can find the iNaturalist Guide here.

In case members need help, either use this link to How to Use the App or Desktop or  Denis Gallant is available for help. He can be reached via the iNaturalist messaging service at denisag2 or via email directly (denisag2@yahoo.com).

Stay safe, stay healthy, and keep sharing!


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