The Town of Mississippi Mills is set to consider a by-law to regulate the unecessary (cosmetic) use of lawn and garden pesticides. The issue is on the agenda at the next Planning & Economic Development Committee Meeting, Thursday, March 6, 2008. This meeting will start at 6 pm in Council Chambers at the Municipal Offices at 3131 Old Perth Road, RR2, Almonte, Ontario. The meeting is open to the public.
The Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists Board of Directors supports the municipal regulation of lawn and garden pesticides. The BOD recognizes that such by-laws make no attempt to restrict the use of chemicals for agricultural purposes, but rather are intended to reduce the unnecessary or ‘cosmetic’ use of pesticides on lawns and gardens. Health Canada itself, the federal body governing the registration of pesticides, recommends reduction in the use of pesticides on lawns and gardens and the use of alternative products to safeguard the health of humans, in particular children, who are especially sensitive to adverse effects from pesticides. The Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists and other groups also recognize the benefit to the environment from the elimination of the unnecessary use of pesticides.
Pesticides even when used following directions closely can easily have unintended targets such as to beneficial insects and song birds. They may cause damage to biodiversity, reducing wildflowers and weeds which play an essential role in a healthy ecosystem i.e. as a source of nectar for pollinating insects, for monarch butterflies etc. Aquatic organisms may also be damaged when pesticide products in active form reach water courses and ponds.
If you are interested in hearing Town of Mississippi Mills Council discuss the municipal regulation of cosmetic use pesticides we encourage you to attend this meeting. Those in other jurisdictions who may seek support for such by-laws in the future may also be interested in the nature of discussions at this meeting.
As meetings of council are subject to change, please check for any last minute changes on the town’s website at or by calling the Town of Mississippi Mills at 613-256-2064.