Share the Migration – Birdwatching with MVFN at the Almonte Lagoons

Wednesdays in September       3-5 p.m. 


During every fall migration, thousands of waterfowl stop to rest and feed at the Almonte Lagoons located behind the wastewater treatment plant on Wolf Grove Road. Birdwatchers eagerly visit this prime location in September and October, making it a regional hotspot. To enhance the viewing experience, the Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists (MVFN) maintain a woodland trail leading to an observation tower and a bird-viewing shelter overlooking the lagoon.

On four consecutive Wednesdays in September, MVFN invites you to walk in and witness this spectacle. Expert birders will be at the viewing shelter to talk about the birds and to provide the opportunity to learn the identity of the different birds’ species.

The first open house will take place on Wednesday, Sept 2 between 3 and 5 pm. Visitors are encouraged to bring binoculars (and a spotting scope if you have one). The next three open houses will take place on the following three WednesdaysSept 9, 16, and 23, all between 3 and 5 pm.

Directions to the viewing shelter: from Almonte, take Wolf Grove Road (County Rd. 16) towards Middleville. Drive 2 km and turn north onto Ramsay Conc. 8 at the Auld Kirk church. Drive approximately 100 m to the trailhead. The trail entrance is on Ramsay Conc.  8 across the road from the cemetery. A small yellow sign marks the entrance.


The following social distancing measures will apply:

  • Physical distances will be maintained at all times.
  • Facemasks covering mouth and nose will be worn inside the shelter. Outside the shelter, masks should be worn if physical distancing cannot be adequately maintained.
  • The Al Potvin Tower will be closed for this year’s session because there is not enough room to permit social distancing.

A maximum of 4 birdwatchers at a time will be allowed inside the Mike McPhail Viewing Shelter. If more than 4 birdwatchers are present, the extras watchers should view the birds from the area near the entrance of the shelter.


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