Announcing an MVFN Killarney Canoe/Kayak Camping trip for 2008
To all paddling members and friends,
This year, I am planning something more adventuresome, a canoe camp at
Killarney Provincial Park.
Dates: Friday, Sept. 12 till Monday Sept. 15 (three nights)
Before I book the sites, I will need to know within a month, how many would be interested in going.
Please reply no later than April 30, of your intentions.
To make this camp viable, I would need a minimum of six participants. You don’t have to commit to all three nights; one or two will be OK.
Participants would bring their own food and camping equipment. I would be pleased to do the usual matching up of partners/boats/car pooling. I will pre-book and pay for the sites. Cost will be shared between participants; the more that come, the cheaper it will be.
Killarney Provincial Park is a seven hour drive from here, including time out for breakfast and/or lunch plus rest breaks. For more information or to confirm, contact Cliff at 613.256.5013 or
-Cliff Bennett