NOTE: Recently a Facebook page has been established by Mississippi Mills community members: Find Rapids Clubtails of Mississippi Mills on Facebook
A rare and endangered species in the province, the Rapids Clubtail dragonfly (Gomphus quadricolor), was observed in the Mississippi River at Almonte falls June 15, 2015 and this and sightings of the species at Blakeney by a group of 4 MVFN members on June 13, 2015 were reported today to the Ontario Natural Heritage Information Centre which tracks species at risk such as this endangered species. This species had been reported in these locations historically in the past, but there were no recent ones until these reports from yesterday in Almonte and Saturday in Blakeney. Reminder: it is illegal to net, catch or otherwise harass these endangered species.
A more detailed account of this endangered species locally will be posted soon.
Rapids Clubtail dragonfly at Almonte falls, 2015
Pauline Donaldson