Nature photo hike on Rock Dunder

Date: Saturday, June 27, 2015

This photography hike along the Rock Dunder trail within the Frontenac Arch Biosphere will be led by Simon Lunn, naturalist, landscape/wildlife photographer and recently-retired Parks Canada ecosystem scientist for the Rideau Canal. Simon will provide photography tips throughout the day. He will also interpret some of the natural and cultural history of Rock Dunder and the Rideau Canal & Waterway during the hike. Rock Dunder is a highly recommended Eastern Ontario hiking destination.

Location: Our destination is the 4 km Rock Dunder loop trail within the Frontenac Arch Biosphere near Elgin and the small hamlet of Morton. The trail meanders through woods adjacent to Morton Bay, a fascinating Precambrian shield landscape featuring one of the most dramatic views overlooking a particularly scenic portion of the Rideau Canal Waterway.  Access is free of charge, though on-site donations are always appreciated by the Rideau Waterway Land Trust who own and manage this significant ANSI-designated property. Parking is available at the on-site trailhead.

Carpooling: Meet at the Esso station, Almonte St./Hwy 29 in Almonte for 9 am departure. Arrival at the Rock Dunder parking lot is anticipated by 10:30 am. Our event leader, Simon Lunn, will meet us there.

Driving directions:  The suggested driving route is to follow Hwy 29 south to Carleton Place, take Hwy 15 south through Smiths Falls, Portland, Elgin and the small hamlet of Morton. Just south of Morton (approx. 1/2 km), you will see a sign on the right for Stanley Lash Lane. Turn right & proceed up Stanley Lash lane for several hundred metres to the parking lot on the left. Approximate map coordinates for laneway access are lat 44.532984 degrees long -76.199218 degrees. IMPORTANT NOTE: do not turn right into the private residential property located on the right partway up the lane.

Trail Difficulty & Conditions: Participants should be in good health. Be prepared for a half-day hike along a trail that is mostly of moderate difficulty. There is a short (roughly 100 m) steeper section to reach the Rock Dunder plateau & viewpoint.

Bring: sturdy hiking boots or shoes, a packed lunch, water, a camera, sunscreen, & mosquito repellant (just in case). We will eat  lunch at the top of Rock Dunder. A walking stick or pole, hat, and binoculars can also be useful.

You must pre-register for this event. To register, please contact Chris Baburek at Chris has kindly agreed to take care of registrations on behalf of Gretta Bradley, for this event.  Please remember to give your name and the event you wish to attend.

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