MVFN Winter Walk on Webber Property in Wolf Grove
by Steve Miller with photos by Cathy Keddy
On Sunday, February 7, 2010 an enthusiastic group of hikers gathered at the end of Ramsay Concession 4B, about 3 km east of Union Hall for the Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists’ (MVFN) winter walk on the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Webber Property in Wolf Grove. We were immediately greeted by a small flock of chickadees hoping for hand-held peanuts. Guides for this adventure were Ali Giroux of the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), and Tineke Kuiper and Joel Byrne of MVFN . . . to read the entire story by Steve Miller (with photos by Cathy Keddy) as pdf please click on MVFN Winter Walk 2010
If you missed this winter walk in Wolf Grove, join us May 29 for our Annual Spring Walk to be held on the Webber Property. See what the Webber property has hidden beneath its spring blanket!