Hello, MVFN members!

As we all are accepting the realization that we must continue to physically distance ourselves from others, MVFN is reaching out with a way to stay connected, promote learning, and share of our awesome nature discoveries.

Two possibilities to share your discoveries are available.

1. MVFN has started a Facebook group where you can share your sighting easily with all group members. Go to our Facebook Page, look for the blue Join Group button just under the cover photo and click. You will be asked a few questions, shown the rules of the group. Once you have joined the group you will be able to post directly to the group.

2. Patty McLaughlin, our Young Naturalist Coordinator, has created a Google classroom as one way of achieving this! She will be re-creating parts of her winter program, plus adding new materials as the spring arrives. Please go to our website for instructions on how to join.

Finally, we have extended the deadline to apply for the Nature Bursary until June 1. If you know of a student who was planning to apply, the updated details are on the website.
Stay safe, stay healthy, and keep sharing!

Finally, we have extended the deadline to apply for the Nature Bursary until June 1. If you know of a student who was planning to apply, the updated details are on the website.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and keep sharing!


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