MVFN Nature Notebook Sightings 2018

Pine Grosbeak (More information.)

December 11, 2018

Lise Balthazar of Sheridan Rapids has had Evening Grosbeaks at her feeder since October. She reports that this morning “a few Pine Grosbeaks showed up”.

Evening Grosbeaks photo Lise Balthazar


Male Pine Grosbeak photo Lise Balthazar


Fall Migration


As the fall migration continues, some birds are still easily seen, while others still require careful observation and patience to catch sight of and to identify.

These beautiful mallards,  female and male birds, were in the Mississippi River, at a site easily seen from the Mississippi Riverwalk Trail in Almonte, and photographed by Michel Gauthier. More information.

Female (L) and male mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) in the Mississippi River at Almonte. photo Michel Gauthier


A Lincoln’s Sparrow noticed in a thicket; Michel Gauthier: “. . .  on the 1st of October, along the fence at the bird viewing shelter. It shows how birds can easily become invisible.” More information.

Lincoln’s Sparrow (Melospiza linolnii) hides near the MVFN Mike McPhail Bird Viewing Shelter, Mississippi Mills, ON photo M. Gauthier


Later in October even flocks of small birds, such as these Redpolls (Acanthis flammea), can be easily overlooked in leafy trees, but become obvious and easier to examine more closely as they settle in large groups on bare branches alongside the open field behind the MVFNs Mike McPhail Bird Viewing Shelter near Almonte, ON. More information.

Redpolls, Mike McPhail Bird Viewing Shelter, Almonte ON photo P. Donaldson, October 23, 2018


Sometimes a spotting scope or camera zoom helps when trying to identify birds, such as this Long-tailed Duck (More information.) and a Lesser Scaup (More information.) seen at the Almonte Lagoons and photographed from the Mike McPhail Bird Viewing Shelter. Michel Gauthier: “The long-tailed duck is a rare sighting at the lagoon, although plentiful on the Ottawa River. This one is a stray. It hangs around with the 20 or so lesser scaups that are currently at the lagoon.”

Long-distance view of water birds at Almonte Lagoons,  Long-tailed duck (L) and Lesser Scaup (R), October 23, 2018, photo P. Donaldson from the MVFN Mike McPhail Bird Viewing Shelter.


Trumpeter Swan

October 31, 2018

“This afternoon we heard the familiar old car horn calls from Clayton Lake . . .  we had a good sighting of a Trumpeter Swan family with three cygnets.  Looking further along the far shore we saw several groupings of Trumpeter Swans for a total of seventeen.  Maybe they will stick around for a few days.” More information.

Howard was able to snap these “long distance” photos of the swans.

Trumpeter Swans, Clayton Lake Oct 2018 photo H. Robinson


Trumpeter Family. Clayton Lake. photo H. Robinson


Evening Grosbeaks

October 23, 2018

“We’ve been very fortunate in the last couple of days to have a small flock of Evening Grosbeaks at our feeders. It is such a wonderful treat to see these magnificent birds and hear their soft calls!! I can only hope they stay for a while. The last time we saw them on our property was in June 2017. When I lived in Quebec, in the 80’s, I used to get about 100 of these beautiful birds in my backyard. Their noise would wake me up in the morning. Unfortunately, now, when we see a few of them, it’s a rare event.” More information.

Lise Balthazar, Sheridan Rapids, October 23, 2018

Female Evening Grosbeak photo Nat Capitanio


Male Evening Grosbeak photo Lise Balthazar


July 2018

Lise Balthazar (Sheridan Rapids) reports “I have a multitude of juveniles in my backyard: Grackles, Sapsuckers, Rose Breasted Grosbeaks, and a family of Crows which has been very entertaining to watch, even though they wake me up every morning at 5 a.m. “

Rose-breasted Grosbeak. More information.

Rose-breasted Grosbeaks. photo Nat Capitanio


Crow More information.

Juvenile crows at bird bath. photo Nat Capitanio


Also, a Bobolink. Lise writes “I know that the Bobolink population is declining and it’s always a treat when we can spot one”. More information.

Bobolink. July 2018. photo Nat Capitanio


Green Heron

July 19, 2018

While out on a loon watch, Howard and Mary Robinson observed two separate Green Heron families doing “flight and tree climbing schools” with their young ones on an island in Clayton Lake.

Green Heron. photo Howard Robinson


Green Heron family. photo Howard Robinson



May 8, 2018

Lise Balthazar is seeing many spring birds near her home in Sheridan Rapids and in the area, including these swans. She sent in these beautiful pictures of the swans on a pond near Watsons Corners.

All photos by Nat Capitanio



Ruby-throated Hummingbird (More information.)

May 6, 2018

“. . . my first hummer [of the season] showed up this morning” – Lise Balthazar, Sheridan Rapids

Ruby-throated hummingbird. photo Lise Balthazar


Wild Turkey (More information.)

April 25, 2018

“The Tom Turkeys were strutting in their regalia while the hens seem more focused on feeding. See attached original photos taken through the window Wednesday morning, April 25, 2018.” Howard Robinson

Wild turkeys, Clayton ON. photo Howard Robinson


Hooded Mergansers

April 18, 2018

“Today, we spotted a Loon (our very first one!) on the Mississippi River, near the Iron Mine Road bridge. We also spotted a pair of Hooded Mergansers.” More information.

~Lise Balthazar, Sheridan Rapids

Male Hooded Merganser


Male and female Hooded Mergansers, Mississippi River, April 18, 2018. photos N. Capitanio

A loon was also seen. More information.



“Every year the Trumpeter Swans return to Lanark County and often some stop in Carleton Place.  This year was no exception when 2 Trumpeters arrived on the river at Centennial Park on Feb 23rd.  Michel Gauthier emailed me and I arrived with two new birders to Carleton Place, Miles and Riley.  For these 6 year-old birders it was their first views of a Trumpeter Swan.

We were joined by Michel as well as Mike Jaques for excellent views.  There could be more arrivals in March as they enjoy stopping along the river at this time of year.  They can also often be found at Lake Christie, on Rideau River near Smiths Falls and on McGowan Lake past Perth.”

Iain Wilkes, Carleton Place

Young Birders first viewing of Trumpeter Swans. photo S. Wilkes
Trumpeter Swans, Carleton Place 2018, photo M. Gauthier

Howard Robinson: “Mary and I were surprised and pleased to see a Pileated woodpecker feeding on Staghorn Sumac flowers on our property, Feb 23 2018.” More information.



Snowy Owl (More information.)

January 10, 2018

photo Nat Capitanio
photo Nat Capitanio


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