MVFN Launches Website Information on Local Trails

Press Release
Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists
Submitted by Cliff Bennett, MVFN Programme Committee member
August 22, 2004

MVFN Launches Website on Local Trails

People HikingJust as canoeing trails expose people to the natural wonders of our shoreline forests, streams and open countryside, hiking and quiet walks achieve the same results. Wildflowers, small flowering bushes and groves of sumac, wild cherry and dogwood, framed and sheltered by canopies of maple, pine and ash contribute to a peaceful, cathedral-like setting soothing to the body and soul. Animal tracks and other evidence, fluttering butterflies and moths and a host of mushrooms add to one’s nature index. Bird song embellishes a symphony of sound surrounding the serene solitude.

But where can one find these trails to walk on? As a companion page to its touted canoeing trails found on its popular website (, Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists (MVFN) has launched a new web page, identifying walking trails available to the public in Mississippi Mills, Lanark Highlands, Carleton Place, Beckwith and area.

In this trail series, MVFN provides, for your education and enjoyment, a description and location of walking trails, how to get there, where to park your vehicle, length of trail and time to walk it. Some trails listed already exist while others are unfolding at this time, due to initiatives of various local trail groups. All trails range in distance from one to four km and all are of easy degree of difficulty. Some are circular, some are linear.

Trails presently written up on the page include The Mill of Kintail and the Trans Canada Trail from Carleton Place towards Ottawa.

As the series unfolds, hiking enthusiasts are invited to add to the list of trails. All trails are not known to all persons. Your comments are most welcome. Have a good hike!

For more information call Cliff Bennett, 256-5013 or email

Click here to visit the new “Hiking Trails” page.

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