Museum of Cedar Waxwings

Sighting of Museum of 50 Cedar Waxwings 

From Randa McTavish, MVFN Nature Notebook received the following sighting:

. . . a glorious sight in Stanleyville (Tay Valley Township) on December 30, 2015 or very close to it…I sighted a museum of about 50 Cedar Waxwings! They were congregated in the bare trees on Black Lake Road (beside open fields) in mid-afternoon, chirruping happily. They took turns nipping down to the bushes below which still had berries, and ate away.  I stood on the road and watched them for a good eight minutes, until a car drove by and they flew off. What an incredible sight!

I saw a smaller group of them about four days previous, less than a kilometer from the same spot; about eight Cedar Waxwings making their sweet sounds and finding whatever berries were left on nearby bushes in the fence line.

Cedar waxwing Ken Thomas

NOTE: Featured image of Cedar Waxwing is by Ken Thomas.



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