Looking for . . . quality items for a silent auction to be held at the Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists (MVFN) Spring Gathering dinner and talk, May 21, 2015. We are looking for . . . . quality items, offers of experiences, your skills, tours (nature or garden), gourmet meals, spa treatments, greens fees; any good idea will be considered. Both private and commercial contributions are welcome for this silent auction. All proceeds will go to the campaign to protect Burnt Lands Alvar from development.
If you believe that wilderness and rare natural areas should be managed with care, then join MVFN in its effort to ensure Burnt Lands Alvar and its unique habitats remain intact for future generations to enjoy.
Please contact Bob Smith at 613-624-5307 or bob_o_links@sympatico.ca (that’s ‘bob’ underscore ‘o’ underscore ‘links’) with your item, your offer or your idea/s.
Information and tickets will soon be available for the Spring Gathering. Tickets will include the reception, dinner, keynote presentation by Jean Lauriault, and of course the silent auction! Information about how to purchase tickets will be announced soon. See you there!!!