Looking for Migrating Warblers ++

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Join MVFN for an all-day birding trip in the Westport area, looking for warblers and some other birds not often seen locally.


7:45 – 8:00 AM:  meet for parking and carpooling at Jim Atack’s, 407 Shipman Drive, Almonte

Morning birding: Stops at Wolfe Lake and along Canoe Lake Road, on the way to the Hahn Farm.  At the Hahn Farm we will walk in (1.6 km) to the cottage on a private lake.  We will eat our lunch there.

Afternoon: We will go to the other side of Westport to the Porter Road, which goes along a large area of wetlands.  On the way in there is a farm that has had a pair of Blue-gray gnatcatchers residing in an old barn for many years.  No pesticides have been used on the farm for over 50 years.

5:00 PM: arrive back in Almonte

Pre-registration: You must pre-register.  The trip is limited to four cars, so please register early with Jim Atack at:  waja@rogers.com or 613-461-0299.  If in doubt about the weather on Sunday, call Jim by 7:15 AM to confirm.

Bring: Binoculars, insect repellent, sunscreen, water, lunch and snacks.  There may or may not be stops where spotting scopes would be useful.

Golden-winged Warbler, photo Howard Robinson


Looking forward to seeing you on the trip!

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