Last MVFN Canoe/Kayak Trip of the Season
(except for canoe camp and maybe one other in early October to see the fall colours)
(except for canoe camp and maybe one other in early October to see the fall colours)
Bob’s Lake, August 24
Meeting places: East half of Lanark: Union Hall, corner County Rds. 9 and 16
for departure by 8:45 A.M. West Half of Lanark: Fall River Pub, Maberly
for departure by 9:45 a.m.
Bring: lunch, bug juice, sun screen, binoculars etc. Please be sure your canoe/kayak has all of the regulation safety devices.
If you need a partner for your canoe or you need to be partnered up with someone else,
Please call CLIFF BENNETT at 613.256.5013 or email
Note: In case of bad weather, this event will be cancelled. If in doubt, call me before 8:15 A.M.