Last MVFN Canoe/Kayak Trip of the Season

Last MVFN Canoe/Kayak Trip of the Season
(except for canoe camp and maybe one other in early October to see the fall colours)

Bob’s Lake, August 24
Meeting places: East half of Lanark: Union Hall, corner County Rds. 9 and 16
for departure by 8:45 A.M. West Half of Lanark: Fall River Pub, Maberly
for departure by 9:45 a.m.

Bring: lunch, bug juice, sun screen, binoculars etc. Please be sure your canoe/kayak has all of the regulation safety devices.

If you need a partner for your canoe or you need to be partnered up with someone else,
Please call CLIFF BENNETT at 613.256.5013 or email
Note: In case of bad weather, this event will be cancelled. If in doubt, call me before 8:15 A.M.

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