Hiking Trails – Mill of Kintail Conservation Area

Mill of Kintail Conservation Area, Ramsay Ward, Mississippi Mills.

The Mill of Kintail not only includes a museum of note but picnic area, toilets, playground and several great walking trails. The trails and grounds are open from dawn to dusk and a  fee of $5 per car is charged. A ticket machine is available at the gate. Simple purchase your ticket and leave it on your dash.

To find the Mill of Kintail, drive north from Almonte on highway 29 three km. towards Pakenham, turn onto Clayton Road and drive one concession to Ramsay Conc. 8. Turn north (right) on Conc. 8 and drive one km to the Mill. Follow the Conservation Area signs; the route is well marked.

Once inside the gate, park your car. The trails start on the north side of the parking lot or the east side. Or you can walk the roadway right to the mill and start there. The first trails take you to the Mill of Kintail and the second set of trails go over the bridge. They are well marked. Total distance of trails equals approx. two km.

The museum is open from May to October. Their telephone number is 256-3610.


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