Herpetofaunal (Reptiles/Amphibians) Atlas and Awareness Workshop

Just in time for spring, a free workshop on observation and stewardship of amphibians and reptiles

In anticipation of the first call of Eastern Ontario’s vocal little Spring Peepers, the Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists (MVFN) are pleased to announce an upcoming workshop on amphibians and reptiles. This March 12th workshop is being offered free of charge by the Eastern Ontario Model Forest as part of their Herpetofaunal Atlas and awareness outreach program. Workshop participants will be provided with detailed information on identification and submitting much-needed data for Eastern Ontario’s Herpetofaunal Atlas, as well as tips for reptile and amphibian stewardship activities on their land. Pamphlets and amphibian/reptile ID cards will be available. With funding from the Ontario Species at Risk Stewardship Fund, this outreach program is designed to support the commitment to stewardship made by the province under its updated Endangered Species Act of 2007.

The herpetofaunal atlas is expected to be similar to the recent Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario (2001-2005) in that it will rely to a great extent on the participation of volunteer members of the public sending in, in this case, their sightings of frogs, toads, snakes, lizards etc. The workshop offers the encouragement, tools and information the public needs to help document the diversity, abundance and distribution of all amphibians and reptiles in Eastern Ontario. It is so important to stress the need for this information as the foundation for designing recovery strategies and land use plans that affect species at risk and the key role the public plays in gathering the information. Careful consideration is given to the accuracy of reports received for the atlas and, when needed, extra steps are taken to verify information prior to its entry in the database.

The Herptetofaunal Atlas and Awareness Workshop, being hosted by the Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists (MVFN), will be held March 12 at 7:30 p.m. at the Almonte United Church Social Hall, 106 Elgin St., Almonte. There is no charge for this workshop and all are welcome. For more information please call Pauline Donaldson, coordinator of the Almonte workshop for MVFN, at 613-256-9399.

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