Heritage Tree Workshop

Heritage Tree Workshop 

Mississippi Mills Tree Committee

7 – 9 pm, Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Almonte Old Town Hall, 14 Bridge St. Almonte ON

R.S.V.P. to Neil Carleton at  ve3nce@gmail.com or  613-256-2018

NOTE: MVFN members and others are invited to register for this event organized by the Town of Mississippi Mills Tree Committee. This is  not an MVFN event.


The Mississippi Mills Tree Committee, chaired by Almonte resident Ron Ayling, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto, is a subcommittee of the municipality’s Beautification Committee.

During 2014, the work of the Tree Committee volunteers has been focused on the development of a heritage tree program for Mississippi Mills.  This included consultations with municipal staff and provincial advisors.  In communities across Ontario, heritage trees are being identified, recognized, and protected as important components of urban and rural neighbourhoods.





This is a public “how to” workshop for our new Council and other community residents on the identification, recognition, and protection of heritage trees on municipal property in Mississippi Mills, and on private property with owner consent.

 The workshop will be presented by the Ontario Urban Forest Council (OUFC) http://www.oufc.org/ , an incorporated not-for-profit organization that has been advocating for trees in urban areas for the past 50 years. The PowerPoints and handouts will include:

  •  how to define and identify heritage trees;
  • how to undertake the cultural-historical research needed to determine if a tree qualifies for heritage status;
  • how to (i) nominate a tree for recognition under the Ontario Heritage Tree Program (a joint commemorative program run by OUFC and Forests Ontario), or
  • how to (ii) work with a local municipal Heritage Committee to seek protection by designation under the Ontario Heritage Act. 

The OUFC  presenters will be: 

Barbara Heidenreich, Natural Heritage Coordinator, Ontario Heritage Trust (see http://www.heritagetrust.on.ca/Home.aspx)

Edith George, OUFC Advisor (see http://millstonenews.com/2014/11/heritage-trees-preserving-our-natural-roots.html)


What are heritage trees?  Why are they of significance?  How would a heritage tree be identified, recognized, and protected under a Mississippi Mills by-law?  What criteria would be used to assess a tree for possible heritage designation?  How have other municipalities in Ontario launched heritage tree programs?  In what ways could businesses + organizations + individuals in our community get involved?

This “how to” workshop will be an opportunity for community discussion on heritage trees before a by-law is presented for consideration in the Council chamber later in 2015.  A public forum of this nature is consistent with the interests recently expressed by candidates and the electorate to engage in dialogue on issues before a decision process is put in motion for Council’s consideration.

To help us prepare for the event, please register in advance with Neil Carleton at  ve3nce@gmail.com or  613-256-2018 

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