Help wanted for Ram’s Head Lady’s Slipper survey in Lanark County

Help wanted for Ram’s Head Lady’s Slipper survey in Lanark County

MVFN members and citizen-science oriented friends, here is an opportunity to do some citizen science work with University researchers.

MVFN has teamed up with a research team from the University of Guelph to do an assessment of the Ram’s Head Lady’s Slipper plant population within northern Lanark County. The task is to form teams of three, with a University of Guelph researcher, and, in the designated property – lay out 100 m squares and thoroughly search each quadrant noting the presence of all plant species.

Requirements: a keen eye, compass, lunch and mosquito repellant. A camera would also be useful. No previous training is needed.

Dates: Saturday and Sunday, June 6 and 7, 2015. Note that help is welcome whether you can attend on only one day, or both.

Meet at Lanark Landing Restaurant in Lanark Village for 9 am.

Carpooling: East Lanark, Union Hall at 8:30 a.m.; west Lanark, meet at the restaurant.

You must pre-register for this event.

Please contact Cliff Bennett to register for this research event or if you require further information.

Cliff Bennett 613-256-5013 or

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