Friends of the Tay Watershed to host address by Jamie Fortune on Wetland Conservation

To Members and Friends of Friends of the Tay Watershed:

On Wednesday, February 13, the Friends of the Tay Watershed will host an address by Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) that we believe will be of considerable interest in our community.

DUC’s Regional Director for Ducks Unlimited, Jamie Fortune, will provide a presentation on that organization’s major wetland conservation program in this area – made possible in part through their large water-taking permits. In addition to being a leader in wetland preservation, DUC accounts for 98% of the water-taking permits in the Tay watershed alone.

This presentation is the second of our series, titled “Perspectives on Water”, organized to inform the community and promote discussion on selected issues concerning our water resources.

This session will take place at the Perth & District Collegiate Institute on Wednesday, February 13, at 7:30pm.

Further information on this event may be viewed at (or click on ‘Events’).

Thank you.

Friends of the Tay Watershed
P. O. Box 2065, 57 Foster St.
Perth, ON, K7H 3M9
(613) 264 0094

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