Paddling trip, August 6 2023 – Mississippi River from Dalhousie Lake downstream
Leader: Arn Snyder
Departure Time: 10:00am on Sunday August 6,2023. Please arrive at the launch site no later than 9:45am.
Carpooling: At your discretion. None required.
Launch Site: The boat launch at Sylvania Lodge, 4195 County Rd 8, MacDonalds Corners. The put-in is on the east side of the bridge. It is owned by the restaurant. There is normally a charge for using the ramp, however it is flexible for canoes if the canoeists use the restaurant after the paddle. Parking in the restaurant parking lot is limited, however cars can park on the shouler of the highway
Directions: From Almonte: Take Lanark County Rd 16 (Wolfe Grove Road) to Hopetown. Turn Left on Hwy 511 to Watsons Corners Road (County Rd 8). Turn Right and travel 14km to bridge over the Mississippi River.
From Perth: Take Hwy 511 23km to corner of County Road 8. Turn Left (Watsons Corners Rd) and travel 14km to the bridge.
Facilities: Sylvania Lodge. Be Aware that it is a commercial establishment.
Time & Length: App 12km return. Roughly 4 hours
Lunch stop: Arrangements have been made with a cottage owner to use his waterfront for lunch.
The Paddle: Down stream from the bridge on the Mississippi to the Sheridan Rapids, with a side paddle into Mud Lake. Roughly 4 1/2 hours. The paddle may be shortened if the prevailing (west) winds are a factor.
Items to Bring: Lunch & snacks, water/drinks, sunscreen & bug repellent, hat, binoculars, camera/smartphone.
Please be sure to bring your safety equipment: life jacket, whistle, bailer, heaving line and extra paddle.
At all times, please remember that we are a group of Naturalists. Please do not approach or otherwise do anything to startle wildlife, particularly during the nesting season. Take pictures to share with the group and/or post on iNaturalist.
Registration: You must pre-register for this event by completing the registration form found HERE
MVFN Membership must be up to date (check your membership card). If needed, you can update and pay for your membership on the MVFN website. You may bring a friend or two, subject to space availability and the approval of the trip leader. For further information, contact Arn Snyder by e-mail or phone 613-277-8648 (Cell) or 613-225-7164 (Home)
In case the forecast is for unsuitable weather on Sunday Aug 6, this event will be rescheduled to the previous day, Saturday Aug 5 or cancelled. A confirmation e-mail will be sent out just prior to the event in either case.
If in doubt, contact Arn at 613-225-7164 before 7:30am that morning.
For more information or to volunteer to lead a trip, contact Art Solomonian at paddling@mvfn.ca
NEXT TRIP: August 20. Otty Lake w John Grierson
2023 MVFN Day Trip Schedule
Sun. May 28 – Denis Gallant – White Lake
Sat. June 17 – Simon Lunn – #21 Perth to Upper Beveridges Lock
Tues. June 27 – Andrea McCrady – #28 Upper Tay to Christie Lake *
Sun. July 9 – Pete MacEwen – #13 Mississippi River upstream from Pakenham
Sat. July 22 – John Willis – #26 Pike Lake
Sun. Aug 6 – Arn Snyder – #8 Mississippi River from Dalhousie Lake downstream
Sun. Aug 20 – John Grierson – Otty Lake
Sat. Sept 30 – Linda Sewell – Madawaska River from Clay Bank boat launch upstream
* Our first weekday trip, by popular demand.
- Day Trips are open to MVFN members and their guests
- The above schedule is subject to change.