AGM/Members night, February 15, 2024
MVFN will hold our annual Members’ Night on Thursday, February 15, when we will have three speakers present on topics of interest to our club members.
The first speaker will be Art Solomonian, Chair of the Paddle Committee. The objective of this longstanding MVFN group is: “Seeing Nature from the Water’s Edge”. Art will take us on a photography tour of past MVFN trips and let us know what is planned for the coming paddling season.
Our Second speaker, Bob Stearns, is Secretary of the board of directors of the Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust. Bob will explain the MMLT mandate, identifying its conservation properties, outlining their acquisition & stewardship process, and listing planned future membership activities.
Our final segment will be the always-popular Nature Sightings with Ken Allison. Ken needs no introduction as he has been a significant contributor to MVFN over many years.
Immediately following the Members’ Night presentations, the MVFN Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held.