Nine MVFN members showed up for the Apr 5 Early Morning Walk at Al Potvin’s property.
For the first half hour, the absence of daylight forced the group to detect and identify birds by ear. Eventually, with the increase in light level, the team became able to use eyes and binoculars.
After two hours of birding, Mary Robinson, the trusted recorder, and Michel Gauthier, the leader, tallied up the numbers: twenty-five species of birds had been counted.
1 Canada Goose
2 Mallard
3 Common Merganser
4 Wild Turkey
5 Great Blue Heron
6 Turkey Vulture
7 Bald Eagle
8 Red-tailed Hawk
9 Ring-billed Gull
10 Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)
11 Mourning Dove
12 Northern Flicker
13 Blue Jay
14 American Crow
15 Common Raven
16 Black-capped Chickadee
17 White-breasted Nuthatch
18 Eastern Bluebird
19 American Robin
20 European Starling
21 Dark-eyed Junco
22 Song Sparrow
23 Northern Cardinal
24 Red-winged Blackbird
25 Common Grackle
NOTE: The next “Early Morning Birding” walk will take place on Wednesday April 12th. See details