Draft Minutes from MVFN Annual General Meeting

The draft minutes from the Annual General Meeting are posted on the website. The board of directors has reviewed the minutes and the membership will be asked to approve them at the next AGM in May 2022.

However, after learning about the credentials required for the Auditor position as defined by the MVFN Constitution Philippa Winters withdrew her name. The position of auditor is now vacant.

2021-2022 MVFN board of directors 

President: Linda McCormick
1st Vice-President: Val Wilkinson
2nd Vice-President: George Yarmechuk
Treasurer: John Blais
Chair of Program: Denis Gallant
Chair of Finance: Vacant
Chair of Environmental Education: Bob Smith
Chair of Conservation & Habitat: Paul Frigon
Chair of Membership: Sylvia Miller
Chair of Nature Protection: Tineke Kuiper
Director at Large: Cliff Bennett
Director at Large: Stan Holloway

Linda McCormick

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