Celebration of Life for Joel Byrne

It is sad to have to post this reminder. . . but for those who are able to attend here is the information about the Celebration of Life service for Joel Byrne.

A Celebration of Life for Joel Byrne will be held at 1:00 pm on March 12, 2016 at St. Andrew’s United Church, at 2585 County Rd 29 in Pakenham, ON. Reception: refreshments and a time of sharing will take place following the service.

In lieu of flowers, it is the wish of family that donations in memory of Joel be made to the Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust, 375 McCulloch Road, McDonald’s Corners, ON K0G 1M0. A memorial bench is planned at High Lonesome Nature Reserve in the Pakenham Hills where Joel enjoyed so many days.

Our friend Joel, at White Lake, 2008 (photo by Howard Robinson).

MVFN White Lake Canoe June 15 2008 090A


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