On December 27th, 2019 local Mississippi Valley and area volunteers took part in the 120th Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC). The annual event is a worldwide citizen science project organized by Audubon, Birds Canada and supported by the Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists. The event involves the surveying of bird populations within thousands of predefined areas, each roughly 450 square km. It was a foggy mild day when volunteers recorded the number and species type of each bird seen anywhere within a 12 km radius circle centered on the Carleton Place downtown bridge. The recorded sightings are valuable data provided to Audubon for their ongoing research into changes and distributions of bird populations.

This year CBC was supported by 34 field and 27 feeder observers who recorded 5326 individual birds comprising 44 species. The results are very close to the 10-year average. Highlights were a first ever Winter Wren heard singing outside of Almonte as well as a record number of White-breasted Nuthatches (194) and Pileated Woodpeckers (21) seen. A wide range of raptors were observed including Bald Eagle, Red-tailed Hawk, Rough-legged Hawk, Cooper’s Hawk as well as Barred Owl and Northern Hawk Owl. Due to abundant seeds this year in the northern boreal forest, many finches did not come south resulting in very few being seen in our area. The complete list of sightings can be found at CP CBC Results 2019 as well as on the Audubon site within their CBC pages for all areas including ours which is designated by Audubon as “ONCP”.
At the end of the day field observers gathered at the Carleton Place Library to share stories and pictures as well as submit their results to Iain Wilkes the local CBC Coordinator. Many thanks to the MVFN Social Committee volunteers, Suzanne and Jane, who provide much needed refreshment and snacks.